Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Will they ever learn?

The picture is of Misha, a wonderful husky who graced our lives from 1989 – 2000. He was a sweet, wonderful dog but perhaps not the sharpest tack in the box. While we lived in the Catskills he went after a porcupine four times. Four times! Twice we were able to remove the quills ourselves but twice he had to go to the vet, as some quills were deep inside his mouth. He howled and whimpered in pain. I asked the vet whether he would ever learn. “Some don’t” he replied with resignation.

So it is with politicians, I guess. Rep. Anthony Weiner has now admitted that “the picture was of me, and I sent it.” The picture, in case you’ve been sensible enough to ignore this story, was of a male underwear-encased crotch. It surfaced on May 27 in his Twitter account. (I’m not going to link to the photo – it’s really not worth it and if you disagree with me you can certainly find it on your own).

Let’s put aside the question “how could he be so stupid?” as to send the photo in the first place. Why would a public official, sometimes promoted as New York’s next mayor, do such a thing? There’s just no answering that question; people do stupid things. End of story.

What fascinates me is that public officials never seem to learn the lesson that every public figure wrangler knows: admit it; don’t deny; don’t elaborate; move on. It’s simple really. Americans love a juicy bit of gossip – and I love a packed crotch as much as the next guy – but we’d all have moved on to the next bit of Ameritrash in a heartbeat, except that Weiner denied, hemmed and hawed. “What’s that about?” we all wondered.

Now Weiner faces an uncertain future as even friends shy away from his political leprosy. And all for a photo and some electronic dalliances that were likely silly and inconsequential. No longer.

Think about what might have happened if Bill Clinton had simply said, “yes, we had sex; it was wrong and I am sorry, but it’s really none of your business.” We can’t know, but it’s possible that a lot of good could have been accomplished in the months that the country, and the Congress, was obsessed with an intern, her dress and the definition of “is.” It’s possible that Al Gore would have been elected in a landslide, we might not be involved in two ruinous, ill-advised wars and, who knows, maybe the recession would not be as bad as it is.

Will public figures ever learn that quickly telling the truth usually puts out the fire?

I’d bet on the porcupine.


  1. Alas, some of them will never learn. The thought process seems to begin like this: "Those other guys who got caught were stupid. I'm not stupid. I'm powerful and smart. I'll not get caught."

    And, when they do get caught, the process continues: "I'm powerful and smart. I can deny this and get away with it."

    But they rarely do get away with it.

    They are powerful and smart. But not powerful and smart enough to keep their zippers zipped, their thoughts on propriety, and their minds engaged in what they were elected to do.

    I am reminded of the old joke:

    God says to Adam, "I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I have given you a brain to allow you to think and a penis for pleasure. The bad news is that the circulatory system I have given you will only allow you to use one of those organs at a time."

    Thank you for writing this. The only point you neglected -- and I know you will agree -- is that we as a country are just a little bit too fascinated with sex scandals for our own good.

  2. The Porcupine ALWAYS wins! It is never the act with these people, it is the cover-up every time.

    Many years ago, politicians did bad stupid things and if they didn't wind up in the Tidal Basin with a stripper at three in the morning, nothing came of it, since the reporters left it alone.

    Gary Hart, when he challenged the Press, changed all that and Bill Clinton didn't learn a thing from it. No one since him has either.

    John Edwards was, and is, so stupid as to defy all logic. He is my most disappointing Politician of the last couple of decades. I had hopes for him. Now, he is just sad in a really skanky way.

    They cannot claim they didn't know they were being watched. They are so arrogant it is beyond belief. Because of some supposed 'power' they think they are immune.

    It is somewhat like a teenager drinking and/or driving fast. They think they are invisible and invulnerable. At least a teenager is just stupid and ignorant enough to do that and no one thinks much about it. These are supposed adults. Makes me shake my head...
