Monday, October 11, 2010

Hatred is back in fashion

Not that it ever went away, but for years homophobes and racists tried to avoid outright bigotry in at least their public statements. Not any more. I suppose we have Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and John McCain to thank for this.

Carl Palidino, the Republican candidate for governor of New York -- not one to ever check his tongue or his temper -- showed his stripes proudly yesterday in Brooklyn.  He doesn't want children "brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option — it isn’t."

He got one thing right; homosexuality is not an option; it is not a choice; it is a basic fact of who a certain percentage of us are. 

I am SO TIRED of these jerks railing against us! And, oh yeah, he of course used god to back up his diatribe: "That’s not how God created us." (See the New York Times coverage here).

Well, he got that right too, but only because god didn't create us at all. Mom and Dad did. In most cases, STRAIGHT mom and dad. We are gay because we are gay; you, Mr. Palidino, are a jerk for other reasons. We were born to be who we are; you chose to be a jerk.

Maybe it's that choice that we should all rail against.

1 comment:

  1. As I would say if I were a Southern Protestant Christian, AMEN!

    I suspect if there are any absolutes in the universe, we ain't equipped to perceive them, much less understand them. Sad isn't it, how many insecure people there are out there, railing against the Other, without understanding that we are ALL Other, in some way or another. Also, few of us had any choice about whatever other we are.

    I am given to understand that the only true infinite in the universe is stupidity. I see it demonstrated every day.

    Those who want to make sexual orientation a "choice" do so for the exact purpose of condemning it as "immoral". These are the same people who want poverty and addiction to be choices, so they can condemn and detest those affected by implying they are so because they are bad people. So hunger and pain become God's punishment and those moral souls are, under Old Testament Christianity, not liable to help or aid those in need. Makes me sick.

    By the way, Old Testament Christianity is not Christianity. It is insufferable bigotry disguised as something which is supposed to be a step up from the rigid tribalism of nomad goat herders. Missed the point, didn't they?
