Thursday, October 4, 2012

Romney's vision for America

Come on, Mitt! Have a heart!

And while you're at it, use your head. Public TV and Radio account for a TINY part of the Federal budget, something like 0.001 percent. Do you really think firing Jim Lehrer and Big Bird constitutes a fiscal plan to fix our economy?

You, Mitt, can afford to go to the Metropolitan Opera any time you want. Lots of people are not so fortunate. For most Americans in fact, watching Great Performances at the Met is the closest they will ever get to that fabled stage. Is the chance to watch Downton Abbey or Upstairs Downstairs on Masterpiece something you really want to take away from us?

What's wrong with you, Mitt?

Are we part of the 47% you've written off?

Wherever you want to put me, let me tell you, I'm a proud American who loves PBS and watches its programs weekly. I'm an uncle who has nephews and nieces who learned how to be good and proud Americans by watching PBS. I'm an arts fan who agreed with John Kennedy when he said "I look forward to an America which will not be afraid of grace and beauty . . . an America which will reward achievement in the arts as we reward achievement in business or statecraft."

I know you value business achievement, Mitt. Please don't be afraid of the arts.

Please don't be afraid of Big Bird.

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