Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Apocalypse Dodged

From today's New York Times

So Mitt Romney remains Citizen Romney and the anti-women, anti-gay, anti-change Republican Party does not win the White House but instead licks its wounds and mumbles about 2016. It’s a good day in the neighborhood.

Here in Connecticut Chris Murphy will soon be Senator Murphy, defeating Linda McMahon, in spite of her spending another fifty million of her own dollars for a failed campaign – as she did two years ago. CT’s Congressional delegation will once again be solidly, totally, Democratic.

The news in Virginia is of course not as blue, but the state did go for Obama by 3% and elected Tim Kaine to the Senate by 5%. (The House races, not surprisingly, were won by Republicans eight to three.) Elizabeth Warren won in Massachusetts, where Obama led Romney 61% to 38% in Romney’s home state. Democrat Joe Donnelly took Richard Lugar’s longtime Republican seat in Indiana, beating Richard “conception by rape is God’s will” Mourdock, whose soul mate Todd “legitimate rape victims don’t get pregnant” Akin lost to Democrat Claire McCaskill in Missouri.

And, in the best news of the night, Wisconsin Representative Tammy Baldwin became the first openly gay candidate to win a Senate seat, defeating former Republican Gov. Tommy Thompson, and gay marriage initiatives won at least three out of four referendums. In Maine, by almost 7%, and in Maryland, by 4%, voters approved same-sex marriage; in Minnesota an amendment to define marriage as male/female was defeated; the results in Washington state are not yet known, but the pro-gay marriage side seems to be winning by perhaps 4%.

As I said, it was a great day in the neighborhood.

But eat, drink and be merry today, for tomorrow – or, in December, according to the Mayans – we all die. 

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if the next round will wait until next week to start. I am sure someone is considering 'throwing their hat into the ring' as we sit here today.

    North Carolina, once again, goes red. The pundits were surprised at how close it was, and frankly so was I.

    Local NIMBYS opposed a bond referendum to help build a baseball stadium to get an Atlanta Braves minor league team. Not build it completely, etc. but to help. lost 70-30. And yet, Wilmington likes to think of itself as a 'city'. I think it should be downgraded to village. Not even a town, really.

    At least the political advertisements will stop for a while.
