Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Putting my money where my rant is

We are all bombarded, often daily, with requests for donations; I find it hard to decide who to support, especially since my main giving goes monthly to Bank of America and American Express to pay interest charges. That, and the fact that our house is under water . . . well, there's just not a lot of discretionary income.

I support public radio, though I think of that as a payment for service rendered rather than a donation. I have often given to the Names Project, keepers of the AIDS Memorial Quilt. Likewise I give to the local animal shelter, the local volunteer fire department and the Woodbridge Land Trust, which works to conserve and preserve the natural resources around my home.

I have just decided to make an annual $600 pledge to the Trevor Project, whose mission is “to end suicide among LGBTQ youth by providing life-saving and life-affirming resources including a nationwide, 24/7 crisis intervention lifeline, digital community and advocacy/educational programs that create a safe, supportive and positive environment for everyone.” Their vision is “a future where the possibilities, opportunities and dreams are the same for all youth, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.”

This is a group I can march with, be proud to belong to and perhaps even do some volunteer work for. Our nation’s most important natural resource is not oil or coal or even water; it is our children. They need our love and support and the LGBTQ youth need our protection from the hate-filled, bible-quoting homophobes out there.

Please consider joining me in supporting these hard working folks.

Check out The Trevor Project and watch some videos at the It Gets Better site while you're at it.  And think about spending some Christmas cash where it can do some good.

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